Does the world need another
web designer + photographer?Â

I don't know but here I am :) Hi, My name is Tat. Nice to meet you.
I'm a web designer who specializes in Wix platform. I help transform a DIYed looking website into a professional online presence that reflects you & your business.
My journey in visual designs started long before I thought about becoming a business owner, as a matter of fact, I never though about becoming a business owner at all. That thought was too scary for me to go outside the box.
I started building websites back in 2002 for myself as I was building a forum for a group of people and customized blogs for a few blogger friends. I kept web design as a hobby for the longest time and had a lot of fun with it. Then came the year 2009, my world changed forever when I became a mother of a little girl. Talking about a life-changing event!!
I wanted to capture every moment of my daughter. For the 1st time in life, I wanted to take photos. I had absolutely no interest in photography prior to that and even hated being in the photos. Since then, I've taken photos of her, our cats, our food, everything in sight then friends, strangers, neighbors. You name it.
Like most people, I followed the path of society to go to top school in order to enter the workforce because it's a traditional route that felt safe. I've spent over a decade of my adult life playing safe thinking that I was "secured" until life happened.
In 2014, a major changed took place in my professional path and within the same year I faced major health issues due to stress, my life was never the same again.
Those two events were a big wake-up call about everything I was doing. It prompted me to start thinking about some changes. It took another 4 years to figure out what I wanted to do. During those years, I didn't know what I wanted to do as a business, but one day everything seemed to click. Both paths (web design and photography) finally merged and emerged.
I believe that my skills can make a difference in someone's life in a way that makes their web design journey less overwhelming, stressful and frustrating.
Just more joy and excitement.
The result is a powerful, aesthetically designed website that both you & your clients love.
Please allow me to take your guesswork, worries and all of the hassles out of your busy schedules and return precious time back to you, so you can fully focus on other aspects of the business that you enjoy as well as the clients you serve.